I learn more and more about project based learning everyday. It was something that I had never heard of before this course, but now that I have I wonder how this method of teaching and learning wasn't adopted years ago. I think in the next 2 years, I need to visit and observe a classroom that actually teaches using project based learning, I need to become more familiar with Apple products, and I need to get experience teaching a classroom.
A willingness to learn new things
A love for teaching and learning
Technologically literate
I need to learn to be more organized
I'm not as familiar with Apple products or many other forms of technology
As many resources as I know about, I have never actually used them.
How To Make an Audio QR Code
This video is a tutorial of how to make a QR code which is an audio recording that can be heard after scanning a bar code. This can be very helpful with students of all ages. It is a way for the teacher to be a students' own personal tutor.
iPad Reading Center
This video discusses a program on that iPad that allows students to video record themselves read and then play it back so that they can read along with their recording to make sure they didn't make any mistakes.
Poplet with Ginger Tuck
This video discusses another app on the iPad that creates a educational web for students and it is made so that students can do it themselves without little or any help from the teacher.
AVL and Kindergarten Students
Ginger Tuck discusses how kindergarten students access the Alabama Virtual Library with ease on the iPad.
Tuck iMovie Trailer for Kindergarten
Ms. Tuck shows how her kindergarten students make trailers. They choose background music, add titles and pictures, and names of characters and authors.
Tammy Shirley Discovery Education Board Builder Moon Project
Elementary teacher Tammy Shirley has a student show us how she made a board on Discovery Education about the moon. She also wrote a narrative about her trip to the moon. The student seemed really interested in the assignment and very happy to share her work with everyone.
Twitter for Educators
"Twitter us changing the way teachers are learning. They're teaching themselves."- Michele Bennett. This video talks about how Twitter chats are almost essential for teachers. Teachers from all over the world chime in to give their input about different ways to teach and learn. Students and teachers will benefit and learn new things to teach and new ways to learn.
We All Become Learners
This video discusses how everyone becomes learners. Teachers learn form students, students learn from teachers, students learn from other students, and teachers learn from other teachers. This is just the circle of life. I think all generations can learn from each other because all generations were exposed to different things.
The instructions asked you to state what you learned from each of these videos as a resource. What did you learn from them?